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Sun 10 May 2020

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Lemon and Blueberry Pavlova recipe, paired perfectly with IB Moscato.

Thanks to all those who tuned in to our very special Mother’s Day live tasting. We were lucky this year, as it also (almost) coincided with World Moscato Day, so we hosted a very special event focussing on that sweet sweet nectar of the gods, and had an action-packed agenda including some vinous demystification, delicious food pairings and a lot of great banter. 

Moscato’s indulgent pairing credentials are extensive. While we may speak of the pairing prowess of our other wines with cheese and chocolate, Moscato is a champion in this field, and works exceptionally well with pancakes with fresh strawberries and cream, but can go equally well with a Pavlova, white chocolate or some decadent blue cheese.

So, as promised, please find below a decadent Lemon and Blueberry Pavlova recipe designed especially for you by our resident chef (and recent mother) Georgie.

Lemon and Blueberry Pavlova

Sweet, tart, creamy and crunchy a culinary adventure paired perfectly with Innocent Bystander Moscato.

Lemon curd filling:

  • 100g unsalted butter, cut in 1cm cubes
  • 220g caster sugar
  • 125ml lemon juice (finely zest lemons before juicing and set aside)
  • 2 eggs, lightly beaten


  1. Whisk eggs and sugar together, add zest and juice
  2. Place the bowl over a double boiler on a low to medium heat so the water is just simmering.
  3. Stir the mix continuously using a spatula. The mix will start to thicken around the edges first, keep mixing until all the mix has thickened and is one smooth consistency
  4. Remove from heat and mix in butter until fully melted
  5. Place cling film directly onto the surface of the curd and place in fridge to set
  6. Once set, place in a piping bag.

    Blueberry meringue shells:

    • 210g egg whites
    • 203g caster sugar
    • 200g icing sugar, sifted
    • 2  drops blueberry extract (can be substituted for lemon zest)
    • 2 drops violet gel food colouring


    1. Preheat oven to 70°C. Line baking trays with baking paper and set aside
    2. Using a stand mixer, whisk the egg whites on medium speed until frothy and creamy
    3. Slowly add the sugar in small amounts ensuring the sugar has dissolved between each addition.
    4. Continue to whisk the whites until they form stiff peaks. (2-3minutes)
    5. Remove the bowl from mixer and, using a rubber spatula, gently fold the icing sugar through the whites until completely incorporated. Do this in 3 parts as not to weigh down the egg. Fold through the violet colouring (and any flavouring you are using) and be careful not to over mix!
    6. Cut the tip off a piping bag and fit with a large, plain piping nozzle (approx: 12mm in diameter). Fill piping bag with 1/2 of the meringue.
    7. Grab your lined trays, and using a steady and even pressure pipe large teardrop-shaped meringues (approx: 7-8cm diameter).  Use the other half of the reserved meringue to pipe discs. (approx: 7-8cm diameter).
    8. Bake the meringues in the oven for 25 minutes, or until the shells release from the paper easily, turn off and pop oven door, this will allow the meringues to cool slowly and reduce the chance of cracking.

      Chantilly cream

      • 250g thickened cream
      • 30g icing sugar
      • vanilla essence
      • 1 punnet blueberries
      • 1 punnet blackberries
      • Icing sugar


      1. Whisk together, thickened cream, icing sugar and vanilla essence until firm peaks form. Place aside.
      2. Using the disc-shaped shells as the base of your pavlova, pipe the lemon curd in an even layer so it covers the base of the meringue
      3. Place blackberries on top of the curd, but only around the outer edge of the meringue.
      4. Fill the inside space of the blackberries with the Chantilly cream.
      5. Fill the gaps between the blackberries and the top of the cream with blueberries, then place the teardrop meringue on top.
      6. Dust with icing sugar to finish.
      7. Smash it and eat!

      Enjoy, and happy Mother’s Day and World Moscato Day from team IB.

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